- Do you agree that American Architecture at the turn of the 2oth Century had their roots from the Asian and Anglo-French cultures? Discuss what, why and how.
- Discuss the transformation of the architectural thoughts during the first and second world war in Germany. Elaborate the school of thought which were impacted by the war crises.
- What was the agenda behind the demolition of the Minoru Yamazaki's Pruitt-Igoe. Do you agree? why? Criticize the situation along with your interpretation on basis of its impact on later architectural development.
- From Three figures; Mies Van der Rohe, Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright. compare and contrast their contribution to the field of architecture on basis of theories-principles and designs. use graphic and sketches. your answers must be illustrated.
- Free writing, you should present through understanding and critical stance towards the issue.
Good luck all.